
Bloody Sweet Vol. 2 (and Vol. 1) Graphic Novel

Created by TappyToon (Bloody Sweet)

Vampire ❤️ School-girl Witch?! Hit web comic is now 2 full-color graphic novels, over 1000 pages. From creator Narae Lee.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

4 Days Left! Stretch Goal Reached 🎁 Sneak peek at Bonus Stories!
about 6 years ago – Tue, Nov 13, 2018 at 12:53:35 PM

Thank you to every one of you amazing backers for making Bloody Sweet Volume 2 possible! 🎉 We've reached the Stretch Goal with your support,
which means every copy of Volume 2 now include extra pages of concept art and sketches, reprinted from the notebook of creator Narae Lee!
You’ve already seen what that will look like in the last Update, so we won’t spoil it here.

At this point, there is a little less than 4 days left to become a backer! 😱If you are new here and still on the fence, don't wait! 👟👟👟
If you're already a backer, we'd love a shout, tweet, status update or post on social media! Thank you so much for your continued support 😘💋

What we can also share today is a small peek at the Bloody Sweet Volume 2 Bonus stories!

Last year, Volume 1’s extra bonus stories were a stretch goal. They were such a hit that we OK’ed having the new bonus stories this year for the Volume 2 campaign right from the planning stages.

By backing the project, you’ll get over 30 pages of extra material not seen on and digital service of Bloody Sweet and ONLY available in the printed Volume 2 book! Again, we hate to spoil the deets so this is a itsy bisty peek at the bottom of this update. More of our lovable vamps, more shrieks, more of our dearest best girl Naerim - yes, siree!

Thank you again, backers, and we’d love to blast past these final days with an even greater Bloody Sweet finish!
Please share the news and remind your loved ones and friends, this is the last chance to become a backer of our Kickstarter campaign!!

Look forward to more updates on our progress!

with ❤️,
Bloody Sweet
& Team TappyToon

Snow, Shrieks and Sunny Skies?!! Oh my!
Snow, Shrieks and Sunny Skies?!! Oh my!

Funded 100% in a bit over 1 week! First Stretch Goal & Cover Reveal!
about 6 years ago – Tue, Nov 13, 2018 at 04:12:42 AM

Bloody Sweet Vol. 2 is funded, which means it’s definitely getting made! We’re so thrilled, you got us here just 8 days! 

There’s a lot to plan for, so we’ve already begun working on some details. Scroll to the bottom for a look at our cover of Volume 2, in style with Volume 1’s typeface. This time, it’s Naerim on the front!

Also, since we already have bonus chapters set for this Volume 2, we’re announcing our first (modest) stretch goal!

Stretch Goal!
$20000 - Concept art and sketches from creator Narae Lee

If the campaign hits $20,000, every copy of the Volume 2 will get a few more pages at the end of the book. These 3-4 pages will have concepts and bonus sketches reprinted from the original notes of creator Narae Lee!
Naturally, there's a lot of handwritten Korean text and b/w penwork by her, so we'll try to preserve what that feels like. It's a rough but honest look at her doodles and ideas!

sample of sketch pages
sample of sketch pages

--- There’s still a bit under 2 weeks to go, so please share the Bloody Sweet news to your friends. They can still become a backer and secure their copy of Volume 1 and 2, right up until the campaign ends!

Thank you again for your support and coming together to make Bloody Sweet complete!

with ❤️,
Bloody Sweet & Team TappyToon

Best girl up front! Bloody Sweet Vol. 2
Best girl up front! Bloody Sweet Vol. 2

A Whirlwind Start! Halfway there already!
about 6 years ago – Mon, Nov 12, 2018 at 02:35:29 AM

Thank you for an amazing kickstart to the campaign!

In a little over 24 hours of launch we already passed the 50% mark!!

In just one day, we've already become Kickstarter's "Projects We Love" in comics!
Bloody Sweet Volume 2 is now also a Popular and New & Noteworthy campaign!

Thanks to your awesome initial support and love, we're halfway there!

But we still need to go another half more!
We'd so very much LOOOVE ❤️ your help getting the word out!

Your enthusiasm for this project is so vital to the success of the campaign!
We hope you will share the news of Bloody Sweet with anyone you think might be interested!

If you already know about Bloody Sweet, you know how good it feels to read a story that really affects you. Hopefully you want more of your friends and loved ones to get to experience this story for their own, too!

Please share on your favorite social networks so they don't miss out! Email them if that's how you roll!

If there is a comics/manga/manhwa, artist, Young Adult fiction, news, crowdfunding, community, or page that you feel should know about or could amplify our latest Volume 2 campaign, please let them know too! (or you can clue us in by messaging us!)

Thank you for your support once again!

with ❤️,
Bloody Sweet & Team TappyToon